Black woman swiping a credit card on a merchant services account terminal at a small business that accepts credit cards.

It’s a necessity for small businesses to accept credit cards. It may cost money, but the flip side of limiting how you can get paid is even more costly.

IRS Form 1099-NEC

The new IRS Form 1099-NEC is similar to the 1099-MISC. That means you are probably getting bad advice as to when you need to send it, so let me clear up the confusion.

Crumbled up $5 five dollar bills, $20 twenty dollar bills, $50 fifty dollar bills and loose change thrown in a silver metal mesh garbage.

Freelancers can’t afford to leave tax planning for the end of the year. Even then, most of the year-end tax tips are plain bad and not worth the time it takes to read.

Business man in blue suit handing a bundle of hundred dollar bills to a small business owner to buy his accounts receivables invoices.

Some small businesses can’t qualify for traditional funding options. Either they don’t have a long enough history or the owners have bad credit themselves. There is an alternative available to improve cash flow. Factoring companies can improve cash flow and help a business grow.

Boarded up restaurant out of business because it had no customers

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. They should always feel that they’re valued, regardless of the economy, but especially in the down times.

Woman wearing a white sweater and glasses working at a desk with crumbled pieces of colored paper trying to think of a name for her new small business

It can be tough trying to come up with the right name for your new business. Do you get fancy or simple? Your name or a made-up word? The decision sometimes has unforeseen consequences.

Caucasian male tax accountant wearing plaid button-down shirt working with Apple laptop and calculator

When it comes to hiring a tax accountant, you need to be selective. Not every accountant will be right for your business. These tips will help you hire the right person.

The other day, a client who was in search of additional business financing called me to talk about his prospects. His personal situation had not always been the greatest, but his current credit scores are now nearing excellent. The banks that he had been to were all turning him down, and he was searching for answers. After a few minutes of complaining about how he was being scrutinized for past indiscretions regarding his personal credit, and his lack of “juice” with the institutions he had been dealing with, one comment came out that I could not ignore. He stated that even with the seasonality of his business (he’s in the event planning industry), and the dry period about to end, his sales were already approaching last year’s totals. That is where his biggest mistake was, and the most likely reasoning behind all of the rejection he received.