Health insurance is confusing as all get-out! It’s worse when you’re self-employed. And if you’re married…Fuggedaboutit! Let me clear up the Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction a bit.
What is the self-employment tax? How is it calculated? When is it due? How do you pay it? This guide has the answers to your self-employment tax questions.
Being self-employed makes taxes complicated. Being a location independent digital nomad is even more confusing. This helps clear up some of the confusion.
Paying taxes sucks. It sucks even more when someone wrongly filed a 1099-NEC resulting in duplicate income being reported to the IRS and you receive a letter saying you owe even more. Here is what you should do to resolve that issue.
The new IRS Form 1099-NEC is similar to the 1099-MISC. That means you are probably getting bad advice as to when you need to send it, so let me clear up the confusion.
Freelancers can’t afford to leave tax planning for the end of the year. Even then, most of the year-end tax tips are plain bad and not worth the time it takes to read.
When it comes to hiring a tax accountant, you need to be selective. Not every accountant will be right for your business. These tips will help you hire the right person.